
Showing posts from June, 2013

From both sides (T24R-5)

Wall Street Journal Time for GOP to enter 21st century on gay rights: Column USA TODAY As an activist who formerly opposed same-sex marriage, I realize the issue is complex for many kindhearted people. Raised in a deeply religious home, I once gathered petition signatures seeking to block benefits for same-sex partners of government ... The day 'equal' became real Rappler Religious Groups React to Gay Marriage Rulings TIME Just 18 Months Ago, Barack Obama was a Bigot (subscription) Salt Lake Tribune  - Religion News Service  - Huffington Post all 6,819 news articles » International Business Times Amnesty International condemns ' homophobia ' in Africa The Standard Digital News However, Amnesty said US religious groups "actively fund and promote homophobia in Africa", while many of the laws were inherited from the colonial era. 'Inflaming hostility'. Homosexual acts are still a crime in 38 African count

Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)

Rancho Cordova, CA 'Prayer Day' Violates Separation of Church and State , Say ... Christian Post Two organizations fired at the city of Rancho Cordova, Calif. in recent weeks claiming that it has violated the separation of church and state by scheduling a "Celebration of Faith" day this Sunday. "The most egregious thing here is that the city has ... Could Presidential Aspirations Be Causing Christie Not To Comment on ... Governor Christie's refusal to comment on a lawsuit over the state's plans to award more than $11 million to an all-male Jewish school and Princeton Theological Seminary--clearly violating the already barely visible line between church and state --could ... What happened to separation of church / state ? | Letter Islands' Weekly Island Hospital is currently looking to affiliate with a larger medical institution to take advantage of the economies of scale involving p

Gay/LGBT Religious News (T22R-1)

Wall Street Journal Religious leaders divided on gay -marriage decisions USA TODAY Religious leaders on opposing ends of the gay -marriage debate alternately referred to Wednesday as a tragic and a celebratory day after the Supreme Court's decisions on two same-sex marriage cases. But the traditional religious opponents of gay ... Religious Groups React to Gay Marriage Rulings TIME On Gay Marriage In Churches, Stances Vary Among Religions , Clergy, Members Huffington Post Reactions to gay marriage wins at Supreme Court Religion News Service CNN (blog)  - Religion Dispatches  - Washington Post all 6,819 news articles » Jenelle Evans' Boyfriend Slams Gay Rumors, Says 'Sodomy Is Against My ... Radar Online Nathan Griffith is coming out swinging in his defense of his heterosexuality, posting a long missive detailing where he has been living and working for the last few years that would make him unable to film gay porn and saying that his

Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)

Rancho Cordova, CA 'Prayer Day' Violates Separation of Church and State , Say ... Christian Post Two organizations fired at the city of Rancho Cordova, Calif. in recent weeks claiming that it has violated the separation of church and state by scheduling a "Celebration of Faith" day this Sunday. "The most egregious thing here is that the city has ... and more » Planet Princeton Groups sue to stop N.J. grants to religious schools The American Civil Liberties Union of New Jersey and Americans United for Separation of Church and State filed a lawsuit Monday to try to stop more than $11 million from being allocated to two religious educational institutions, in Lakewood and Princeton. ACLU Sues State of NJ Over Funding for Princeton Theological Seminary and ... Planet Princeton Princeton Seminary and yeshiva shouldn't get state funds, suit says Washington Post (blog) Grants to religious schools draw ire Cherry Hill Couri