
Showing posts from February, 2014

From both sides (T24R-5)

ThinkProgress When ' Religious Liberty' Was Used To Justify Racism Instead Of Homophobia ThinkProgress “Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents. And but for the interference with his arrangement there would be no cause for such marriages. The fact that he separated the races shows ... and more » Capitol Hill Blue Arizona bill uses religion to promote homophobia Capitol Hill Blue Republicans stressed that the bill is about protecting religious freedom and not discrimination. They frequently cited the case of a New Mexico photographer who was sued after refusing to take wedding pictures of a gay couple and said Arizona needs a ... Arizona's shameful 'right to discriminate' bill CNN US: Final approval given to Arizona bill to make homophobic discrimination LEGAL Idaho's New Anti-Gay Bill: Doctors and Teachers Can Turn Away Gays Slate Magazine (bl

Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)

Guardian Liberty Voice Arizona Anti-Gay Bill Defies Separation of Church and State Guardian Liberty Voice This new anti-gay bill in Arizona has actively defied and ignored the separation of church and state , allowing people to claim their religious beliefs as lawful means with which to discriminate. There is still time to veto the bill, according to ... Church and state Toledo Blade Religion and gay rights meet again in Arizona Protestors in Arizona react to Arizona's Senate Bill 1062. Daily Athenaeum Los Angeles Times  - Phoenix New Times  - The Georgetown Voice all 3,825 news articles » ThinkProgress Alabama House Advances Devious Plan To Break Down The Separation Of ... ThinkProgress Significantly, the justice most likely to resolve any disagreements on the Supreme Court regarding church and state separation issues, Justice Anthony Kennedy, has also indicated that he views school prayer very differently than legislative prayer or ...

Gay/LGBT Religious News (T22R-1)

Al Jazeera America Arizona's decision on anti- gay bill just one bump in the road for religious ... CNN (CNN) -- To Arizona's governor, a bill that would have allowed businesses to close their doors to gays and lesbians out of religious conviction was wrong for the state. So, she vetoed it. The buck may have stopped with Gov. Jan Brewer in Arizona on  ... Arizona uses religion as a shield for bigotry Washington Post Arizona Governor Vetoes Bill on Refusal of Service to Gays New York Times How Arizona's ' religious freedom' bill became an 'anti- gay ' bill Religion News Service Al Jazeera America  - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel all 3,825 news articles » The Week Magazine Why are Millennials less religious ? It's not just because of gay marriage The Week Magazine t's no secret that young Americans aren't as religious as their elders. A survey released Wednesday by the Public Religion Research Institute suggests