Canadian Catholic school board gets flak for open mindedness

There aren't often spectators at meetings of the Waterloo Catholic District School Board's Family Life Advisory Committee.

But last night, some 50 people turned out to listen to a discussion on if the board should remove a resource book accessible only to teachers.

Local group Defend Traditional Marriage and Family objects to "Open Minds to Equality" because it presents homosexuality as "morally neutral," said group spokesperson Jack Fonseca in his presentation to the committee.

"To the extent that some people may potentially be led by the book 'Open Minds' to reject scriptural teaching on homosexual acts, to that same extent, they will have been led to reject Jesus."

'Open Minds' is "an educator's sourcebook of activities to help students understand and change inequalities based on race, gender, class, age, language, sexual orientation, physical/mental ability and religion," says the blurb on the back of the book.


Brian Anderson said…
Glad to see a Religious Left blog. Will come back and visit from time to time. Hey, here's a correction from Mr. Know-It-All: flak is what you're talking about. It comes from the German, Flieger Abwehr Kanonen A "Flack" is a publicist. Where that comes from beats the spit outta me. But there you go. Just felt like sharing.
Tom said…
Thanks for letting me know I misspelled Flak. I have now corrected it.
Thanks again.

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