Vanderbilt University doesn't tolerate intolerance

The Office of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity and the juvenile court system have begun their investigation of an alleged anti-gay hate crime that occurred on campus.

An undergraduate student and a recent graduate of the Divinity School, both male, alleged that their affectionate behavior drew anti-gay comments and slurs from another undergraduate and a non-student guest as they ordered food from the Carmichael Towers West Quiznos on Sept. 9 around 10:45 p.m.

The suspects became argumentative and told the alumnus to “get out of (their) face,” said the report, obtained Saturday from the Metro Nashville Police Department Central Records Division.

When the couple left Towers West they were accosted by the two suspects in what “appeared to be a premeditated, unprovoked attack,” said Dean of Students Mark Bandas.

The police report narrative does not mention the anti-gay language used in Quiznos, but it does indicate suspicion of a hate crime.


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