Anti-gay vision impairment

Blurred Vision

When one looks at the anti-gay rants about gays it is humorous and sad.

For instance, the day before the restroom incident Larry Craig was heterosexual and married. The day of the incident he’s instantly tagged “gay”. I guess the distinction of bisexual isn’t a possibility?

For the anti-gay I suggest you find it very easy to toss everyone into the same barrel despite differences. If a person isn’t heterosexual they are gay!

This substantially shows your sight and conceptual limitations. It’s a shame the optometrist can’t fix this visual impairment. But a professional might be able to help you with your internal deficiencies of acceptance. Or - gasp – your own sexual insecurities.

As a open gay male, it offends me when someone compares a “sexuality challenged” individual to me. I worked long and hard to accept my sexuality. I am proud of who I am and don’t participate in anonymous public sex. Never have!

People who participate in anonymous sex are usually married men. They have a “sickness” perpetuated by society. They are proof of the harm that comes when one denies their sexuality. A person cannot pretend to be what they are not without consequences, it is harmful to themselves as well as others around them.

Most of these people are selfish to a fault. Their inability to be honest with themselves ends up hurting others. Wives, children, suicide, murder and more are the devastation of such deceit.

Instead of rambling on I’ll end with one more tidbit on this. As a gay male I’ve often wondered how we ended up with the “short end of the stick” as far as labels. Supposedly a gay is everyone who isn’t heterosexual.

But a gay female is lesbian, a gay bisexual (regardless of gender) is bisexual, etc.

A gay male? I guess we are gay gay!


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