Episcopal Church Faces Internal Schism

By David W. Virtue

As whole dioceses begin to leave The Episcopal Church, homosexual Anglican activists are turning up the heat on the Anglican Communion demanding that their voices of pansexual inclusion become the standard teaching of the church.

An international group of 50 Anglican leaders met recently near Chicago to, as they say, "build international coalitions and develop a strategy for the full inclusion of gay and lesbian Christians in the life of the church." Participants from Africa, England and New Zealand joined Anglicans from Central, North and South America and "pledged to work against schismatic leaders who have sought to gain power in the Communion by turning marginalized groups against one another."

The consultation unapologetically argued that homosexual behavior is no longer unacceptable to God and that anyone who opposes the behavior is a homophobe who has no place in the [Anglican] branch of the communion.

This much aggrieved group pulled in a heavy-weight theologian from England in the person of the Rev. Canon Marilyn McCord Adams, Regius Professor of Divinity at Christ Church, Oxford University. Her main point was that homophobia (personal and institutional) is a sin whose end time is now.

"When it comes to social and political arrangements, our institutions will always be riddled with systemic evils. Because it proves so difficult to uproot any one of them, because we can't dig out all of them at once, we are everywhere-and-always tempted to status-quo acquiescence. Our calling is to the exact opposite: to discern which ones are ripe for uprooting and to take the lead eradicating them, beginning in the garden behind our own house!" she said.

full article


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