Religious Freedom, Normalization, and Consistancy

What this Christian leader and her ilk want is her religious freedom, guaranteed by the US Constitution (in their eyes) to practice their religious beliefs in castigating queers in the workplace, refusing to hire queers, and in firing queers if one slips in. Just practicing their religion.

The fact that this is the same religious freedom that the South wanted in maintaining human slavery dosn't phase them one bit.

When you spend any time on the Christian Right's web sites, you will soon see what their real beef is with non-discrimination bills, ENDA, Hate crimes, etc. In their own words, they fear "the normalization of the sin of homosexuality." (and the other letters in lgbt) It is the "normalization" that is driving them crazy ... the "Will and Grace" the Internet, the GSA's, the Gay History Month in schools, gays in movies, the laws, all of it is driving them to the brink.

What the Religious Right does NOT want is to be questioned on consistancy. They base their hatred of lgbt on 4 basic Biblical text. Thus the Lord God tells them that lbgt is sin. Thus they are correct to hate glbt folks and to oppose any normalization of glbt lives and people. Fine, I say. Be that way. But be consistant. The same Bible is also VERY much in favor of human slavery. VERY much so. In both Old and New Testaments. AND VERY much in favor of polygamy where marriage is defined as one man and many, many wives. Remember Abraham and Isaac, Saul and David and Solomon. Are we saying the beloved of God were sinners in their lives and marriages? Of course not.

So let's demand a little consistancy of the Religious Right. Bash the glbt community ... as long as they also demand a return of human slavery and a definition of marriage as one man and many wives. For the Bible tells me so.


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