Disclaimer precludes responsibility

As Sally Kern and many others have proven. One only needs preface hateful commits with a denial to make them “acceptable”.

My following comments are not a threat. I don’t hate anyone and have nothing but love and compassion for my enemy.

There now I’m safe and can say hurtful things about whomever I desire.

Wouldn’t it be nice if it were that easy?

I’ve been getting worried lately, but I worry a lot so maybe it’s no big deal.

Maybe it’s the fact that I’ve watched how we gays are treated, for a few decades.

I only know I am worried about violence.

I feel every person has an instinctual “line drawn in the sand”. Once that line is crossed there is no telling what that person is capable of.

If you keep pushing and pushing, sooner or later you might reach that line causing the person to react in a way they normally wouldn’t.

So after a few decades of seeing the gay community pushed and pushed I must wonder.

Will this end up in violence?

History is full of examples where the oppressed turned on the oppressor.

Since fundamentalists want the laws of old. Maybe someone can bring back the coliseum mentality. Except this time, we can have the fundamentalists fighting the lions.


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