Gay marriage is required by the Bible and the Constitution
Homosexuals have a constitutional right to marriage. Though not expressly stated, the First Amendment implies the separation of church and state. This notion is reinforced by a letter written in 1802 by Thomas Jefferson. Since then, it has been the de facto understanding that church and state are two separate entities. Additionally, Article Six establishes the Constitution as the supreme law of the land.
This point is important because in justifying the legality of gay marriage, one must first define marriage as a state function and not a religious one. It can be argued that marriage is a state function because it has the power to modify other state functions such as Social Security and tax filing status. Because marriage affects state functions, constitutionally, it too must be a state function for it to legally do so. If not, the government is violating Article Six and is actively discriminating against unmarried citizens.
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."
It is clear that no church, in regard to religious ceremony or conduct, must recognize gay marriage. Legally, a church doesn't have to marry same-sex couples. They are, however, encouraged to do so. Ironically, this advice comes from none other than Jesus Christ himself. Jesus set the tone for dividing earthly and spiritual loyalties when he was questioned by the Romans about taxes. According to Matthew 22:21 he said:
"Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's; and to God the things that are God's."
In this passage, Jesus seems to acknowledge that earthly law should not be ignored simply because one's religious beliefs conflict with it. He further illustrates this point in Romans 13:1, saying:"Let every person be in subjection to the governing authorities. If the law of the land is that everyone must pay war taxes then that is what we must do. It is the law!"
It is time this country's leadership acknowledges peoples' rights under the Constitution and legalize gay marriage.