Hearsay, the Bible, homosexuality and womanizing

I’ve had plenty of discussions regarding homosexuality and the bible.

First I’d like to congratulate religion for pushing me away. I was baptized Catholic as a young baby (baptizing babies into the church is a whole different topic).

Religion is about belief. EVERY person is free to believe as they wish.

You are free to believe the bible is accurately translated. I am free to believe the bible is not accurately translated.

Here’s an experiment to try.

Get a group of people (at least 15-25 people).

Get a photo that has several aspects to it (the one we used was an old downtown scene with a lot of “activity” in it.. business owner cleaning shop, housewife dropping flowerpot out of window, dog doing his business on fire hydrant.. you get the idea).

Have your people make a line or take numbers (however you want to do it).

Only the first person gets to see the picture. That person whispers a description of the picture to the 2nd person. The 2nd person whispers a description of what they heard to the 3rd person. The 3rd person whispers to the 4th person. And so on, right down the line.

After it’s all done, ask the last person to give their description.

You will discover, very little of that description will make any sense.

This is why hearsay is disallowed in a court of law.

Since the bible, according to some, “is God’s word” then he must of “spoken” to these men. Years later, some other men translated that. Somewhere down the line King James, being an overly kind soul decided to do the world a favor and translate it again. Of course that’s been translated also.

Anyone who believes nothing in the bible has changed after all of that, is fooling themselves.

Also, one of the last verses in the bible condemns any “man” who changes “God’s” word. Let’s see now, “God” knows everything, “God’s word is the bible” and he put a threat of death for anyone who would change the bible. Seems to me, he must of known someone was going to change it. Which parts did they change?

Finally, we don’t hear much about women in the bible do we! I mean, other than that subservient stuff.


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