Heterosexual Indoctrination or church insecurity?

If you listen to the Christian right you will often hear them toss around the term Homosexual Indoctrination. They want children to continue in ignorance rather than learn. To them and many others, it’s ok to learn about Hitler but not homosexuals. It’s ok to talk about the Jews he killed but not the homosexuals.

After eons of heterosexual indoctrination in our schools the Christian right are in fear. They don’t want anything to change. They feel teaching their kids that homosexuals exist or that they have existed for ages is indoctrination. If you follow this line of logic teaching them about Hitler must being a Nazi indoctrination technique.

They claim it’s because “the bible says”. They claim it will be the ruin of society. As with our government, and the bible, an attempt is made to control by use of scare tactics.

You will burn in the lake of fire: The terrorists will get you:

The list goes on an on. It’s all an attempt to control and squelch that which they disagree with.

As we see church attendance dropping globally, it’s obvious interest in religion is waning.

People are smarter now than they were thousands of years ago and can see religion is very biased and controlling, not to mention the womanizing mentality.

As many of us have observed, many religious entities are about hate instead of love.

I have heard “you gay people need to police your own”.

Perhaps some of these religious folks should listen to their own advice?


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