Religion running scared

Free speech has limits. Free speech is not hate speech and hate speech is not free speech.

For eons religion has been demeaning anyone who doesn't fit the religious mold.

It's time for the tables to turn and religious folks are worried about that. I think it's high time they became worried.

Your belief in the bible is not mine. Therefore, you can not make requirements of me based upon your belief of an ages old, mistranslated book of myths.

You people are nothing more than parrots. Someone tells you "the bible says" and you need to go around repeating it as if it's the final word. I got news for you, in these days, the law of the land rules, not religion or the bible.

If you people can't see you are trying to shove your beliefs down everyones throat then you are blinded by your misplaced faith. I say have faith in yourself and drop the BS.

It's a shame people can't have more of a live and let live attitude.

If you wish to live in a self induced delusion that is your right. Just don't expect intelligent, free thinking people to follow your lead.

Recently the Catholic religion "updated" the list of sins. Adding some to become more in line with current times.

So let's see, the old list of sins was inadequate? They had to add to the bible?

This fact alone shows the controling nature of religion.

It's time people see religion for what it is. A man made book attempting to control.


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