Bigotry in name of God rearing ugly head again

Maine: Reading my paper this morning, I was appalled that bigotry in the name of God is rearing its ugly head again in the form of Michael Heath and his Christian Civic League.

What part of equal rights under the law do they not understand? He states that he wants to do away with the "special" rights that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender/transsexual (GLBT) individuals have under law. In other words our children, because they happen to be gay or transgendered, should not have equal protection under the law?

Why are some people more equal than others? We need to stop using the Bible to say that some people are more equal than others. God doesn't make mistakes and we are all created equal in his eyes.

As the regional coordinator for Parents, Families, & Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) New England, I go around and educate others that we are all just people and equal in the eyes of God and the law.

A great film out now called "For the Bible Tells Me So" shows a number of families dealing with gay children including the Gepharts and Bishop Gene Robinson, the Episcopal Bishop of New Hampshire. Remember the Bible states, "Judge not lest ye be judged."

Phyllis Cudmore
Counselor & gender specialist

full article


Anonymous said…
As if LGBT people didn't come from families, too! Heath must think we grow on trees or fall out of the sky, or some other such absurdity (like the knee-jerk reactionary interpretation of faith that informs his politics).

LGBT people also have families of their own, so unless his organization plans to move to limit the reproductive rights of LGBT persons as well as legal rights, then their agenda should clearly include supporting ALL families. After all, children are blameless as to who their parents are, str8 or LGBT. Let's also not forget that the 2000 Census showed that 98% of counties throughout the entire USA have LGBT households with dependent children. What an amoral, anti-family position he and his organization truly have!

For the record, I come from both an active and strongly Christian extended family, headed by a retired Presbyterian minister and former Air Force Chaplain. Everyone in my extended family (no small number) support LGBT equality, including the end of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell".

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