christian extremist speaks

Personally I get a chuckle everytime I see a christian right female speaking out. Because, as we all know, if one follows a fundamentalist view of religion, women are not allowed to speak out! Women are not even allowed to discuss religion with men!

In a recent article on WorldNutDaily, Janet Folger gives the following list of demands from the Christian Right:

  1. We demand an end to abortion – now.
  2. We demand Planned Parenthood be defunded and pay back all tax money received where they have violated state statutory rape reporting laws.
  3. We demand marriage between a man and a woman remain the only recognized, protected and subsidized union. All counterfeit unions will not to be legally recognized.
  4. Freedom of religion will be practiced unhindered in every facet of America including public schools, the workplace, media, Internet and the public square.
  5. Freedom of speech will not be relegated to "zones" but rather practiced in every corner of society including schools, the workplace, media, Internet and the public square.
  6. Judges who usurp their authority will be automatically removed from office.
  7. Executive officers and legislatures shall not obey illegal court decisions but rather remove the judges who made them.
  8. We demand that any school who puts a minor in harm's way in violation of all 50 state laws by promoting dangerous behavior, including homosexuality and abortion, will automatically lose its public funding.
  9. Creationism will be taught in public schools as an alternative theory.
  10. The government school monopoly will be broken with tax vouchers for parents to choose their child's education including homeschooling.

It's fairly obvious Janet and her ilk desire a Theocracy, a United States of America ruled by the bible.

In their dreams!

In case you wish to view this "article"


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