Fundamentalists deny homophobia exist in schools

Over at one of the many fundamentalist websites I observed the statement:

The Day of Silence is an allegedly student-led event designed to highlight purported suffering of homosexual students.

In their ignorance they not only insult gays but also students.

One can perform a simple google search and see the vast number of GSA organizations promoting the Day of Silence.

As if that isn't proof enough, this is the 12th year the Day of Silence has occured. It seems reasonable to think, if this event wasn't supported by students it wouldn't have lasted 12 years.

The fundamentalists also state suffering of homosexual students is purported.

According to

reputed or claimed; alleged: We saw no evidence of his purported wealth.

So the fundamentalists feel homosexual abuse in schools doesn't exist.

I guess they didn't hear about Lawrence King or the many other cases which prove the fundamentalist statements to be false.

None of this sounds very "christian" at all.

It's truely a shame these "christian soldiers" are against safer schools.


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