Letter: Jamaican response

There was an article in the Jamaica Star on April 3, 2008 where a homosexual group in Toronto, Canada issued an ultimatum to the entire country of Jamaica. They threatened an economic boycott if Jamaica does not yield to their demands; which is essentially the launch of a national campaign to foster the acceptance of homosexuality in Jamaica. The deadline for Jamaica to do something is May 12, 2008.

Economic boycotts don’t work, because what it tries to do is pressure people into submitting to money rather than acknowledging the truth. The US boycott on Cuba has done two things, kept the Cuban people poor and Castro in power for decades. Why? Because these boycotts don’t affect the leadership of the country, they affect the poor. The leaders have access to cash. Even Saddam Hussein had hundreds of millions of US dollars buried all over Iraq, not to mention the billions of dollars he had in his bank accounts. The people of Iraq suffered while Saddam flourished; if he had not been conquered and executed he would have passed on the billions to his sons and the people would still not have any medicine.

The truth is that homosexuality is a sin and an abomination to the Lord. There is no getting around that truth. It does not mean that people should be murdered or bashed because they have fallen into sin. The Jamaican government has a responsibility to uphold the law, which prohibits abuse and murder. However, the government has no responsibility to spread an immoral lifestyle into the country. If anything the government must promote a non-promiscuous lifestyle to cut down on the large numbers of single mothers, many who do not believe nor understand that sex comes only after marriage. This of course rules out homosexuality.

The spiritual problem with homosexuality is that two men or two women cannot bring life into the world. The reason it’s a physical impossibility is because it’s a spiritual abomination. The foundation of earthly life is marriage between a righteous man and a virtuous woman. We acknowledge that there is a severe world-wide shortage in these kinds of people, but that’s the way marriage is brought together by God. It’s only in pride that people practice immoral lifestyles; essentially saying we will do what we want. This is why the Lord hates the proud; so He abases them (cuts them down).

The homosexual movement in Toronto centres around “pride week”, where homosexuals parade half-naked (and fully naked) along Church Street; bidding the world to join them. This parade is akin to the carnival festivals in the Caribbean and Caribana in Toronto. It’s a feast of the flesh. What people are saying at these “pride parades” is that they are proud to be an abomination to the Lord (regardless if they are frolicking in the whoredoms of carnival or abominations of gay pride). However, the time has come for the Sovereign Lord to judge the wickedness of the people. Those who want a way out of homosexuality can find a way in Christ Jesus; however those who operate by pride will be cut down in the day that the Lord judges Toronto.

No economic boycott shall stand against Jamaica; for the Lord does not require any nation to support homosexuality. The Lord shall judge Jamaica for her wickedness; but judgement shall turn into blessing as Jamaica submits to the truth.

Donald Rubie
Green Light Ministry

full article


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