Methodist church votes to welcome gays

By a vote of 168-10, Lane County’s largest Methodist church has joined the ranks of “reconciling” congregations that have declared themselves open to all people regardless of sexual orientation.

First United Methodist Church in downtown Eugene is the ninth Methodist congregation in Oregon — and the third in Lane County — to join the movement.

Not coincidentally, the church’s vote on Sunday comes a week before United Methodists from across the country will gather for the denomination’s once-every-four-years General Conference in Fort Worth, Texas.

“The idea that anybody could be denied membership because of their homo­sexuality just strikes me as unjust,” Morray said. “Our ultimate goal is the removal of discriminatory language.”

The local church stand is at odds with United Methodist Church law, which identifies homosexuality as “incompatible with Christian teaching.” First United — a congregation of 600 known for its social justice outreach and distinctive church building — joins nearly 250 reconciling congregations across the Methodist landscape

Those numbers pale in comparison, however, with the more than 1,500 Methodist churches across the country that have affiliated with the “confessing movement” — a call to stay true to traditional church teachings about homosexuality and morality.

“The overwhelming perception within the lesbian and gay community today is that they are not welcome in churches,” Pitney said from the pulpit. “Our public statement is needed to overcome this perception.”

Pitney said it’s possible the church will lose a few members because of Sunday’s vote, but also possible new members will join because of it.

Jan Becker, a church member and lesbian, said she was impressed that congregants honored a request not to cheer when the vote tally was announced — in deference to those who voted in the minority. “We showed that we can disagree and still care about one another,” she said.

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