Abominations seem to come in many forms

John Bogert received some interesting comments regarding the recent California Supreme Court ruling.

By John Bogert, Staff Columnist
The Daily Breeze

"I am in favor of this. It is long overdue as a human rights issue," e-mailed Barb Contener of Torrance. "The people who will be outraged definitely have the right to stop gays from worshiping in their churches and from being ministers in same. But they don't have the right to impose their religious beliefs on law. Lately the separation of church and state has become blurry. But imagine this country without separation. It would turn this nation into the opposite of the heaven that some want me to believe in. It's time for all to step back and think about this terrible discrimination against fellow citizens. Also, people need to ask how they would feel if the state told them who they could marry."

full article


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