Hateland Security Advisory System threat level to High Condition (Orange)

A few of today’s Right Wing articles:

WorldNetDaily: “Online encyclopedia proudly posts graphic sexual images kids can see

The_West, Curt Maynard and others say: “What's so terrible about homosexual behavior? Everything”

OneNewsNow: “Michigan high court rejects homosexual benefits case

OneNewsNow also: “Day of Silence' walkout a success

LifeSite: “Newmarket Lutheran Church to Ordain Active Homosexual to Ministry

davidduke.com: Radical homosexual Jew sponsors HR 5937 earmarking an additional $25 MILLION of your tax dollars going to the National Council of La Raza (The RACE)

Romanian National Vanguard News Agency: Jewish origins of the homosexual movement in America

Kennebec journal: Different rules for issues backed by homosexuals

Catholic Exchange: Ex-Gays Afraid to Come Out for Fear of Persecution: ABC News Report

California Catholic Daily: “It is not OK to be gay


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