"Save California" website experiences "glitches"?

Good As You has uncovered some rather astonishing events over at the Save California website.

Good As You has a link to the Google cached article but evidently the Google cache has updated and no longer shows the offending page.

However, the Good As You website does have a screenshot which shows Save California saying:

Ask your county clerk if they were a Nazi officer during WWII and had been
ordered to gas the Jews, would they? At the Nuremberg trials, they would have
been convicted of murder for following this immoral order. And should have
states obeyed the 1857 Dred Scott decision designating black slaves
as"property," not "persons"? Abraham Lincoln reacted with disgust to the ruling
and was spurred into political action, publicly speaking out against it. Several
state legislatures essentially nullified the decision and declared that they
would never permit slavery within their borders, no matter who ordered them to
do so. Likewise, the rulling to destroy the man-woman definition of marriage
should not be obeyed.

I've got to say it.

The Nuremberg trials were AFTER the war and the Nazis' had no inclination they would be tried for their actions. The arguement is rediculous.


Anonymous said…
Wow. And I thought the 'then they'll allow marriages to animals' commentary was idiotic.

Seriously, the vastness of ignorance has become evident since an entire election was swung on this issue. Get a grip, and start feeding people. After all, aren't we to be stewards of one another? To love others as ourselves? This tangent has gone on far too long.

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