A true celebration of diversity excludes no one

by Rev. Bruce Smith
The Daily News
Longview, WA

We might proclaim “everyone is welcome” or “come as you are,” but we often hope that those who are different will conform to the majority. Sometimes we resort to creating fear about those who are different. As a youth and young adult growing up in Southwest Washington I was taught through jokes and rumors to be afraid of gay people. I thank God that I did not submit to that fear.

Today, May 18, is the fifth anniversary of Longview United Methodist Church opening its doors to all people.

We have people of many nations, languages, races, cultures and sexual orientations. As we grow to understand the diversity around us, I believe we will grow in our understanding of God’s universal love. I hope that you will consider the opportunity to embrace the full diversity in our community not only in regards to race but also in regards to those neighbors of ours who are gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender.

Rev. Bruce Smith is pastor of the Longview United Methodist Church.

full article


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