Unitarian Universalists cheer California gay marriage ruling

By Donald E. Skinner

Unitarian Universalists rejoiced when the California Supreme Court ruled Thursday that the state cannot bar same-sex couples from marrying.

The Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of California (UULMCA) played a key role in Thursday’s decision by mobilizing religious organizations in support of equal marriage rights for same-sex couples.

The legislative ministry, supported by UU congregations across the state, organized a friend of the court brief, the Interfaith Amicus Brief, which was signed by more than 400 clergy and faith organizations. The Rev. Lindi Ramsden, executive director of the UULMCA, said the brief was cited twice in the court’s opinion. Many UU ministers and congregations signed on to the brief, in addition to other religious organizations including the Union for Reform Judaism, the General Synod of the United Church of Christ, and the California Council of Churches.

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