Akinola denied entry into Jordan; linked to possible human rights atrocities

Ruth Gledhill, Religion Correspondent
Times Online UK

The "alternative Lambeth" conference organised by conservative evangelicals in the Anglican church in Amman has been forced to up sticks and move to a different country after the Archbishop of Nigeria was denied entry to Jordan.

So, putting into practice the proverb that if Mohammed won't go to the mountain, the mountain must come to Mohammed, the entire conference is this morning checking out of the hotel in Jordan and getting on a bus to Jerusalem, where they will meet up with Dr Akinola.

Archbishop Akinola was travelling on his diplomatic passport. After being questioned for four hours, he was turned back, although the rest of the Nigerian delegation was allowed in.

-- end of Times Online article --

According to the folks over at akinolarepent:

Why? They want to know his role in an anti-Muslim riot in Nigeria in 2004 which killed 660 people. This was in response to an anti-Christian riot two months earlier in the town of Yelwa, in which 70 Christians were murdered. Supposedly some of the Christian rioters wore name tags identifying themselves as members of the Christian Association of Nigeria, which Akinola headed until he was tossed out earlier this year.

He was asked about all this by a reporter for The Atlantic magazine, grinned and said, “No comment.”

This is the Anglican Archbishop of Nigeria, who’s made his entire name and reputation by trying to purge the Episcopal Church of homosexuals, or barring that, to steal as many buildings and altar hangings as he can get his hands on.


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