America: Zero tolerance on hate

America: Zero tolerance on hate is the message all Americans should loudly proclaim.

It stands to reason, anyone disagreeing with this statement is in the minority.

There is no justification for hate!

But some religious folks believe there is justification for hate. And they further their sin by saying God/Allah commanded it.

We’ve all seen a long time couple that seems to know what the other is thinking, often able to finish sentences for each other. Their common bond of love is extremely powerful. If one of them were to disappear under suspicious circumstances the other would be invaluable in the investigation due to this extremely powerful common bond of love.

God/Allah is about Love. If you have a powerful common bond of love with God/Allah then you don’t need a book to tell you what God/Allah thinks, feels and wants.

With so many bible translations being questioned by so many do you really think your foothold is stable? Toss into that the passage of so many years and it seems an impossible task to accurately reflect the true intent.

Man has adulterated the Holy Books of the world.

Do you really know so much about your Holy Book that you would put all your faith in every word? This seems like an arrogant and un-God/Allah-like attitude.

On judgment day when you say, “but it said in the Holy Book”, God/Allah might say “You should have known better”.

As I’ve said so many times before, one only need read the last few verses of the bible to know the book is not 100% accurate.

Again I say to you, resting all your laurels on the accuracy of every word in your Holy Book is a huge risk. A risk that may cost you the ultimate price, your salvation!

How important is YOUR salvation?

Do you entrust such an important issue to another (book or person)!

In the end you will be standing alone and may have to justify your actions or inactions!


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