The Anti-Gay Squad

by Bryan Boyd
The Portland Mercury

As Portland's gay pride festivities loom on the horizon, and a large portion of our community plans to come together—be it only for a few days—what about Oregon's anti-gay crowd? What are their plans for Pride?

After many attempts to talk to those in charge of recent efforts to deny essential humanity to Oregon's GLBT folks, no calls were returned.

Maybe the anti-gay squad will make a surprise appearance on the Fantasy Video float?

Though my calls and emails to the crazies may have gone unreturned—and those folks may be spending the day at church listening to sermons about the gays destroying civilization, and celebrating exaggerated memoirs from self-loathing so-called ex-gays—we can take comfort in a reminder from Restore America's David Crowe, sent out over his always-good-for-a-laugh email list. He says we gays are in good company with the "Oregon House controlled by Democrats who sold out to the sodomite community [and] embraced the pathetic with indiscriminate compassion." Maybe if we're lucky, Crowe will send us a little email to get our Pride day started right, to go with our cup of coffee and sodomites.

See you all at Pride as we—to paraphrase Crowe—hop aboard "the gay train to moral nowhere." Whoot! Whoot!

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