Path to the altar: Stories of people in same-sex marriage fight

By Howard Mintz, Mary Anne Ostrom and Mike Swift
The Mercury News

Did it begin in a furtive San Francisco apartment in the 1950s, or with a young girl's struggle to understand the concept of love in the '90s, or at President Bush's 2004 State of the Union speech?

The national struggle over gay marriage is taking a momentous turn this week with the first legal same-sex weddings in California. Those weddings could advance full marriage equality for gays and lesbians. Or those ceremonies could, as opponents say, mark a first step toward California voters preserving traditional marriage in November.

Whichever fork history chooses, this will be an emotional week for California: Dozens of weddings that begin at 5:01 p.m. Monday will multiply into thousands of marriages across the state Tuesday.

Here are six stories of the people who had profound influence in bringing California to this crossroad.

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