Religion; The first pyramid scheme?

Some religious folks would have us believe a person without religion is a person without morals.

So I thought it might be interesting to lookup famous atheists. Names like Abraham Lincoln, Albert Einstein, Isaac Asimov, Charles Darwin, Benjamin Franklin, Clarence Darrow, Galileo Galilei, Gene Roddenberry, Helen Keller, Gloria Steinam, James Madison, John Adams, Karl Marx, Leo Tolstoy, John Lennon, Frank Lloyd Wright, Irving Berlin, and many more.

Of course we can’t look up famous atheists without looking up famous Christians like Ted Haggard, Larry Craig, Lou Beres, Dr. Robert Gray, Griffen Ward Sundeen, here is a small list of Christian pedophiles and here is a large list of Christian Child abuses.

When I was old enough to understand such things mother told me, as an infant, the Catholic Church baptized me. I was always puzzled by this practice. How can an infant be baptized when they can’t even speak? Obviously they can’t comprehend such things.

And then they turn around and accuse the gay community of trying to indoctrinate children?

Many religious folks go out and attempt to convert people. I often wondered if they think some of us might be unaware religion exist?

Some religious folks seem concerned over, what they perceive, is a growing hostility towards religion.

Perhaps a more accurate statement is in order.

Religion is dwindling due to its’ own inability to change.

Change is inevitable.

I will agree with some religious folks that Religion is in grave trouble. But the trouble stems from inside, not outside.

Thankfully, there are some religious folks who understand that religion is about Love.

If a group of people are on a trek and one person becomes stuck, the group will try to help. If they are unable to free the one, the many must move on or all will perish.

Progress is the natural trek of human kind and progress requires change.


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