Role reversal

I’m going to invoke what is probably an over used term;

If it wasn’t so sad it would be funny.

You’ve probably heard of the term Public Networking website.

Many of them are simply forums for folks to speak their minds. Some share information and insight, which can prove invaluable.

Being a gay man I primarily visit gay related spaces in the vast volume of Internet spaces.

The majority of Public Networking sites I visit are infected with the plague of hate.

Indeed, it is rare, that any topic will go without the personal opinion of some rightwinger.

Some of which, actually believe the gay spaces are created for them. Personally I’ve never understood that logic but a lot of their logic is a bit fuzzy.

Most of them will tell you they are well adjusted, God Loving, church-going Christians who believe the Bible to be the accurate and ultimate last word.

But the language they use is anything but Christian.

Here comes the “sad but funny” part;

I feel sorry for them.
To have so much hate in your heart is not a good thing. It causes stress, which reduces your lifespan. They are quick to point out “homosexuals live shorter lives”. I suggest they are shortening their life by being so concerned with the actions of others.

It seems logical to me a true Christian would not be so hateful.

A true Christian would show sincere caring compassion.

So here I am, the non-Christian, feeling sorry for the hating Christians while they are condemning me to hell. Seems like the roles are a bit reversed if you ask me.


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