Viewing an Immoral event can make you immoral?

Mark Ostrum over at conservative voice feels two lesbians kissing in public forces him to accept immorality.

According to Mr Ostrum it would appear just viewing an event forces a person to accept it.

I say to Mr Ostrum, if his statement was true, all of us would be in grave circumstances.

Once again, the religious fanatics prove why the majority of people disagree with their line of thinking.

Of course he has a few bible quotes to back him up even though it has nothing to do with legality.

Mr Ostrum, I will not reduce myself to your level of thinking. In other words, I don't feel your brand of morality is being forced on me when I see church services on tv or public preaching.
I can change the channel or walk away if I don't like what I see.

Mr Ostrum, you might want to look in a mirror, your insecurity is showing!


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