Archbishop of Armagh invokes scripture in defence of homosexuality

Ruth Gledhill, Religion Correspondent

The Archbishop of Armagh, the Most Rev Alan Harper, who is one of 38 primates in the worldwide Anglican Communion, said today that if “reason” were applied to the Bible texts that seem to condemn homosexuality, a different interpretation would be found.

He challenged the intellectual rigour of conservatives who use St Paul's epistles — in particular the first chapter of his Letter to the Romans where the Apostle condemns men who commit “unnatural” acts with other men — to bolster their argument that homosexuality is wrong.

Archbishop Harper, who will be among the most senior of the 700 bishops at the Lambeth Conference in Canterbury, Kent, this month said that it was “inappropriate” to “anathematise” homosexuals on the basis of what St Paul says in this and other texts.

He gave as an example the Genesis account of creation, where the Bible says God made the world in seven days and that the first woman, Eve, was made from Adam's rib. Some Christians believe this account is literally true, but Anglicans have traditonally taken an allegorical approach to this and similar texts.

full article

blogger note: After the article there were some comments. I concur with Doug in Melbourne, Australia: The bible is a collection of STORIES, not literal truth. The truth lies in the interpretation.


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