Britain: Religious hypocrisy trumps civil rights

Evidently if you live in Britain you don’t have to perform the duties of your job if it is against your religious beliefs. Since we know Britain doesn't shut down on Sundays it's obvious there are many working on the Sabath.

Up until this recent news I thought Britain was a forward thinking country. Evidently my assessment was incorrect.

For those of you sitting there saying “what the hell is he talking about”, let me explain.

First off let’s put this in perspective by stating the Christian Institute bankrolled the lawsuit. The group feels it is their religious duty to impose their views into politics and believe Christians should "participate fully in our democracy."

Since it’s a registered “charity” it most likely doesn’t pay taxes.

I’m talking about the recent case involving Lillian Ladele a registrar who refused to issue gay marriage licenses because of her religion.

So in Britain, in this case, religion trumped the law and that is just plain ridiculous.

Islington council said it was "disappointed" and was considering an appeal against the ruling.

I would think an appeal would not be in question, but a given!

Ms. Ladele is quoted as saying "Gay rights should not be used as an excuse to bully and harass people over their religious beliefs."

I say to Ms. Ladel, Religion should not be used as an excuse to bully and harass gay people.


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