Just the facts ma'm

As most are aware we are in rapidly changing times. Instead of stagnation we actually have progress.

A more open-minded populace is coming of age. The term freethinker comes to mind and has been tossed around for ages. Thomas Jefferson was a freethinker.

With so many in the younger generation being involved we need something new. I like to think of it as “The Dragnet Movement”. Because of the show “Dragnet” with Sgt. Joe Friday who used to always say “Just the facts ma’m”.

Like Sgt. Joe Friday, we modern day Dragnetters just want the facts. We are smart enough to make up our own minds. We aren’t interested in your stories or fables. We will not tolerate any attempts to circumvent our own personal morals and beliefs (which might not be inline with yours).

In the United States all religions are equal and none have more say than any other. Ie: some of you Christians need to get off your high horse!

In 2007, when the first Muslim was elected to Congress he was sworn in using a Quran which once belonged to Thomas Jefferson.

I suppose the government might have had a point when they tried to keep women away from education. Like governments of civilizations long gone, they knew if you keep people uneducated they, generally speaking, are easier to control.

But somewhere along the line governments realized the smarter the populace the more successful the country.

However, now they have to deal with us being able to think for ourselves and question many things.

We now want “Just the facts ma’m”.

Today, States with fundamentalist driven leadership are glad to see the “immoral” leave their state. They say good riddance to bad blood.

Some day those states, with their small-minded leadership, will realize the mistake they have made by over-extending their personal morals.

But it will be to late!

Many will have fled their state. The population of their state will dwindle.

As we all know, congressional representation is directly related to population. So their voice will effectively be but a whisper, more likely a whimper.


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