Many Mormons appalled by Latter-day Saints

By Derek Price
The Salt Lake Tribune

When The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints recently announced it would jump into California politics by supporting a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage, many Mormons - including myself - were appalled.

Some members were upset that their tithing donations would be used to support a political agenda with which they disagree. Others were disappointed to see the church once again veer from its hollow claim of "political neutrality." And some found it laughable that the LDS church, which was founded by people with famously liberal marriage arrangements, is now taking a "one man, one woman" stance.

Isn't that a little ironic?

full article


Anonymous said…
If they are going to do that. Then the Mormons should loose there non-profit status.
Tom said…
I agree but it appears the laws are written so they can get away with it.
It seems, as long as they don't endorse/contribute to a actual candidate they are okay.
This needs to be changed.
Religion needs to stay out of politics or forfeit their taxfree status.
Anonymous said…
Homosexuality is anti-thetical to Christianity as we understand it. It sets up an abhorant behavior model as a legitimate alternative to the God ordained marriage model in which children are reared. Allowing the homosexual lifestyle/agenda to go unchallenged implies acquaintance. If we feel strongly about maintaining the mother and father model of a family then we have to take sides. Obvioulsy some disagree and have their own ideas on such things. But at some point we all have to make a stand and the Church made it here.
Anonymous said…
The Church has never forfeited its right to challenge immoral laws. Besides, read the Bible, prophets and religious leader made it a habit of condemning politicians and immoral laws. I didn't see you guys get angry when the Church told the Utah Legislators to ease up on anti- immigration policies ... or do you think they should remain neutral on that too? Hypocrisy is an ugly thing.
Tom said…
Since Christian churches and religious organizations exist which approve of homosexuality, your statements about Christians is incorrect.
You can not claim Christianity view homosexuality as anti-thetical when Christian organizations exist which disagree with you.
So if your sect feels need to ignore progress, so be it. That is your choice and you will answer to a higher power for your actions and beliefs.
I hope you are on firm ground in your beliefs, because if you aren't you risk that which you claim to hold so dear.
Your salvation!

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