Commentary: Christians and homosexuality

Commentary by HEIDI GOOD, The Irish Times

Madam, - I was disappointed by Susan Philips's Rite and Reason article of August 19th. She dismisses the laws of Leviticus and Paul's teaching on the role of women in the church as "recommendations" but implies that the biblical teaching on homosexuality belong to "deep foundational commands on how to live a life pleasing to our Creator". She says it would be "intellectually dishonest for any serious student of the Bible to confuse" the two.

I am a local preacher in the Methodist church. I have a degree in theology and I am studying for a master's in leadership and pastoral care. I consider myself a serious student of the Bible, and I find myself frustrated when people put forward such glib arguments.

Who is Susan Philips to say that Paul's teaching on women is merely cultural and that his teaching on sexuality is eternal? Remember too that Ms Philips is a member of that Protestant tradition which chooses to ignore Jesus's teaching on adultery and divorce (Matthew 5:32) and overlooks the fact that Jesus says nothing about homosexuality.

full article


Anonymous said…
What a ridiculous suggestion that the Creator needs to be "pleased."
As if the Creator was dependent on we humans in order to be pleased.
What nonsense!

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