Video: Washington Gov. Gregoire feels gay marriage is a religious issue

Today on Seattle’s KING 5 TV show, Up Front, Governor Christine Gregoire was asked about her personal beliefs on gay marriage.

Her first and foremost statement was her belief in equality. She proudly stated her advocacy of civil unions. Reminding us civil unions were legalized on her watch.

The interviewers mentioned civil unions were not marriage.

Governor Gregoire responded, reluctantly, “I believe that is a religious issue”.

If we didn’t know before, we now know Governor Gregoire feels civil marriage is a religious issue.


Anonymous said…
Shall we push a bill through that any marriage not performed in a church by church officials for members of that church is invalid?
Tom said…
It's odd, since a preacher must have a state issued certificate/license in order to perform a legal marriage.
In other words, legally speaking, the marriage is not lawful unless performed by an agent of the state (weather it's a JP or a Preacher or John Doe).
Nick said…
I find it interesting, as I look at this post, that above the headline about Gregoire is a large ad for Dino Rossi...

Although Google Ads are a good revenue generating option, I'm not sure that having an openly anti-gay rights ad right shown on the site is necessarily good form.

Just my 2 cents, though.
David Blomstrom said…
Christine Gregoire represents the corrupt King County Democrats, while Dino Rossi represents the corrupt Republicans, and we all know who the Demopublicans serve - Bill Gates and his corporate cronies.

Let's face it; the gubernatorial campaign is a lost cause (again). Don't let it distract you from other important Superintendent of Public Instruction (SPI).

The media drone on and on about Terry Bergeson and Randy Dorn, who have all the corrupt endorsements and money. In fact, Bergeson and Dorn have been working together for years, and both have many scandals around their necks.

One candidate for SPI is raising Hell. He has more information on his campaign website (and discusses more issues) than any other candidate in this race. Indeed, he could probably blow any of the gubernatorial candidates out of the water.

We've stood by and watched George W. Bush and the Vichy Democrats flush the economy down the toilet. Can we at least rally behind our schools, behind the children who will inherit our mess?

Check out David Blomstrom's campaign website at Don't let corrupt unions determine the outcome of this race!
Tom said…
Regarding the Dino Rossi ads they weren't showing up until I wrote the Christine Gregoire article. So I didn't have a filter in place for them. I now have a filter for dino rossi advertisment.
Politics has been a choice of "the lesser of the evils" for some time now.
As a gay site, we support Gregoire as the lesser of the two evils.
That doesn't mean we have to be happy with everything she says and does.

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