Homosexuality doesn't rub off

The Daily Citizen

Letter to the editor by Beverly Payne;

What is wrong with people? I have family that is homosexual. I've ate, played, lived and had some of the most wonderful times of my life with them, and it didn't rub off on me! They didn't teach me to be a homosexual, they showed me how to love unconditionally.

I was born straight as society describes the nature of it. Oh no, let us not put our children in the foster care of homosexuals for the fear they will make them homosexuals. Lets put them in good, straight family care, where they are put in cages, molested, given drugs and raped. Oh yes, we've all read the stories in the newspaper and seen them on TV! What the heck is wrong with all of you? Homosexuality does not rub off on people anymore than the color of our skin.

Homosexuals are some of the kindest, caring people I've ever met on this earth, more than the many so called straight people I've known all my life. You Christians better read your Bible. We are all God's children.

I guess it was just an exception that I didn't turn gay being raised around someone who was! Don't fool yourself! There is someone in every family that is gay, be it close or not so close. Who are you or anyone else to label people and judge.

Well said Beverly. Thank you for such insightful words.


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