Churches put welcome to gays in writing

By Bob Shaw
Pioneer Press, Twin Cities

The small church was proud of being open to all people — including homosexuals.

The church is pursuing official certification that it is welcoming to gays, lesbians and bisexual and transgendered people.

"We have some people who are not happy" about seeking a third party's approval, said Edie Seefeldt, chair of a task force at Community United Church of Christ in St. Paul Park.

Interest in the GLBT certification is soaring — with the number of America's certified churches tripling in two years to about 3,100.

For the St. Paul Park church, the "Open and Affirming" designation would be granted by officials of the United Church of Christ. About 20 other denominations have similar programs, according to the Rev. Rebecca Voelkel of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force.

full article


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