Gay Activist: Is Cardinal Newman’s Reburial Illegal?

UK Gay News

LONDON, September 9, 2008 – Justice Secretary, Jack Straw MP, is being urged by Peter Tatchell to rescind the license granted to the Roman Catholic Church for the exhumation and reburial of Cardinal John Henry Newman, on the grounds that it is “certainly unethical and probably illegal”.

“It is morally wrong and arguably unlawful for the Ministry of Justice to grant a reburial license that violates Newman’s instructions to his executors and that gives a non-relative third party control over his remains,” Mr. Tatchell said this morning.

“The Justice Secretary has caved in to Vatican demands and given the Catholic Church disposal rights over Newman’s body.

“It not only plans to move his remains to a church tomb, it also intends to break up his body and distribute his bones as holy relics.

full article


elaygee said…
The Catholic Church sounds more and more like a bizarre cult with each and every action. Cutting up dead bodies and distributing parts as "relics" is no better than voodoo.
Tom said…
I'm with you, that part is very very bizarre.

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