Man faces possible excommunication from LDS Church for supporting same sex marriage

Reported by: Chris Vanocur
ABC 4 News

HASTINGS, Neb. (ABC 4 News) - Andrew Callahan is a member of the LDS Church but he thinks not for much longer. Callahan has been speaking out against a gay marriage ban on the California ballot and Callahan now faces excommunication.

He says, "We're just wrong and we need to change that and I'm not going to stop when they excommunicate me and I am not going to apologize and beg them to keep me a member of the church."

And in his likely last few hours as a Mormon, Callahan wishes that...

"..Thomas S. Monson would stand up bravely - like Spencer W. Kimball did in the past - and say enough is enough."

full article


ldsneighbor said…
I just wanted to clarify. He is not being excommunicated for speaking out against Prop 8. The man was going on a campaign specifically fighting against the First Presidency. He wasn't conducting a "no on Prop 8" compaign. He was conducting a "oppose the First Presidency in their defense of marriage".
Tom said…
Reminds of the recent case in Rome where a comediene was threatened with charges for making a joke about the Pope.
It's a shame your leader is so weak he can't stand the light of day!
But such are the ways of cults!
ldsneighbor said…
There are no civil or criminal charges against this man. If there were, that would be a completely different story.
Tom said…
I'm sure the "first presidency" appreciates his freedom of speech.
It's a shame he can't offer the same to others.
Why does he have the right to offend others but no one has the right to offend him?
(can you say hypocrit?)
I can't wait for the day when the religions start to sue each other.
Afterall, there are religious entities which disagree!
And the constitution grants ALL religions the same rights in our country.
Tom said…
ps: no charges were brought against the comediene either, just threats.
ldsneighbor said…
Tom, the point is that the only thing being called into question here is this man's formal membership in a church. No criminal charges. No threats of criminal charges. No threat to life nor limb. Simply membership in a non-governmental organization (NGO).
Tom said…
Your lack of concern for the gentleman doesn't seem very christian like.
But that isn't a surprise.

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