Rightwing gets it wrong again

The rightwing has twisted words again. Which in this case changed the entire article.

They don't wait to start their deception. It's in the first sentence of the article:

The original version:

The degree of negativity toward homosexuality is what predicts poor sexual and mental health in gay men, according to a University of Minnesota study

The rightwing version:

Researchers from the University of Minnesota have revealed that the negative attitude towards homosexuality among homosexual men predicts poor mental and sexual health- not the act of being homosexual.

Notice how they inserted the 'among homosexual men' part?

Click here to read the actual unadulterated article.

Click here to read the rightwinger version.


Stephen said…
The "right wing" version is more correct if you read the original article.
So typical and so very sad! Thanks for all that you do with this GREAT blog to keep us educated and in the KNOW!

Dave, WGB
Tom said…
I guess that's why the next to the last paragraph says:
For more than 150 years, scholars and educators have debated whether homosexuality is an objective disorder or whether societal prejudice, not homosexuality, leads to the elevated rates of depression, drug use, and HIV/STD epidemics seen in studies of gay men, Rosser said. This study tested both theories.

I direct your attention to the words "societal prejudice".
Tom said…
Thanks Dave, you do a pretty good job on yours also. Keep it up.

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