Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T24R-2)

Piety and politics
Worcester Telegram, MA - 8 hours ago
“We in America have a long tradition of independence, the separation of church and state,” Mr. Schmalz said. “We pride ourselves on being able to make our ...
Catholics and Politics: Voting as sin Le Provacteur (subscription)
all 3 news articles

Marriage: Civil and Religious Union...Not Vs
Huffington Post, NY - 20 minutes ago
Do we Americans merely pay lip service to the question of separation of Church and State as set forth by our Constitution? With the question of marriage, ...

Bush again breaks wall between church, state
Seattle Post Intelligencer - Oct 27, 2008
But I asked the president why he did not respect the historic wall of separation of church and state. "No, sir," I said. "If you did, you would not create a ...


Church's pro-life display draws IRS ire
OneNewsNow, MS - 7 hours ago
"And next I had heard, we were being reported by the Americans [United] for Separation of Church and State to the IRS," he adds. ...

San Francisco Chronicle

Mayor blasts church support for gay marriage ban | KXNet.com North ...
Reiten Television KXMB Bismarck, ND - 15 hours ago
00:07 "treat people equally" Mayor Gavin Newsom San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom says there should be separation of church and state when it comes to the ...
Gavin Newsom campaigns for the right of same-sex couples to get ... City on a Hill Press
all 104 news articles

ABC News

Church, State And Marriage: California Debate On Proposition 8 ...
Americans United, DC - Oct 27, 2008
Keough told the newspaper that the ballot measure violates the separation of church and state, which Adventists â€" who have sometimes faced discrimination ...
Making History: Couples Wed While They Can Alameda Sun
Churches take sides over gay-marriage ban San Jose Mercury News
Letters: Prop. 4 bad for doctors, teens Monterey County Herald
Pleasanton Weekly - Pasadena Weekly
all 472 news articles

There's nothing divine about being impolite
Seattle Post Intelligencer - 18 hours ago
In a suit carried by the ACLU and Americans United for Separation of Church and State, seven citizens contested the practice of their Georgia county's ...

Bayou Buzz

Double Standard for US, New Orleans Separation of Church and State ...
Bayou Buzz, LA - Oct 27, 2008
For example, Barry Lynn of the Americans United for the Separation of Church and State has asked for an IRS investigation into the outspoken priests. ...
The General Baptist State Convention of North Carolina may have violated federal tax law by hosting Michelle Obama, wife of Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, at an event that appeared to be little more than a campaign rally, says Americans United for Separation of Church and...

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Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)