Gay/LGBT Religious News (T24R-1)

Nobody wins when debate on gay marriage turns ugly
Bloomington Pantagraph,  USA - 25 minutes ago
It's no wonder why people are running away from organized religion in droves. It's a joke. If the people you hate stay away from your church.....why can't ...

What do Prop. 8's Mormon supporters want?
Boston Globe, United States - Nov 27, 2008
RE "GAY-MARRIAGE debate roils, unites Mormons" (Page A1, Nov. 24): It seems that Mormon supporters of California's Proposition 8 want it both ways. ...
Mormons in the Crosshairs Town Hall
FPPC looks at Mormon backing of Proposition 8 San Francisco Chronicle
LDS Church Investigated by State for Defending True Marriage Catholic Online
American Thinker - Christian News Wire (press release)
all 292 news articles

Is gay the new black? Marriage ban spurs debate
The South Florida Times, FL - 11 hours ago
BY JESSE WASHINGTON NEW YORK (AP) _ Gay is the new black, say the protest signs and magazine covers, casting the gay marriage battle as the last frontier of ...

Harvey Milk, Anita Bryant, and religion
Boston Globe, United States - Nov 25, 2008
... is supportive of gay rights, so the debate now takes place not only between the religious and the nonreligious, but also within the world of religion. ...


Court should protect constitution, overturn Prop. 8
Stockton Record, CA - 23 hours ago
With one justice voting not to hear the cases at all and one voting to stay the measure's enforcement (and thus allow gay marriage to continue) pending a ...
Tyranny of the majority San Francisco Bay Guardian
all 40 news articles

Huckabee: '60's civil rights fight differs, as gays not cracked in ...
pride, MI - Nov 28, 2008
But when asked by co-host Joy Behar if he shared his effusive praise of the '60s civil rights movement with the ongoing equal rights movement for the LGBT ...

Newt’s ’Gay Fascism’ Comment Slammed
EDGE Boston, MA - Nov 26, 2008
"But the Webster’s definition carefully avoids mentioning religion," Warren adds. "Yet Europe’s fascist regimes had religious underpinnings. ...

Trends beyond black vote
San Francisco Chronicle,  USA - Nov 16, 2008
"I think gays and lesbians of color experience it when they go to the LGBT community and think that they're going to the land of Oz," Wilson said. ...

Mormons and Catholics Deserve to Be Protested - Nov 17
Beyond Chron, CA - Nov 17, 2008
Some LGBT folks don’t approve of targeting churches in the aftermath of the passage of Prop 8, the ballot initiative outlawing gay marriage in California. ...
Video: Gay Advocates Protest Marriage Ban Around Nation AssociatedPress
Prop 8 reaches City Hall Temple News
google news commentComment by Evan Wolfson Executive Director, Freedom to Marry
EDGE Boston
all 1,586 news articles

Newt Gingrich and "Gay Fascists"
Huffington Post, NY - Nov 25, 2008
But the dictatorship of General Francisco Franco was still firmly in place, complete with state religion, secret police, political executions, ...

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