Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T24R-2)

What Is the Separation of Church and State?
Town Hall, DC - Nov 26, 2008
Well, it’s precisely the Thanksgiving holiday that reminds us of the origins of the phrase, separation of church and state. In 1620, a group of Christian ...
Fabulously Observant: Genesis in the classroom Jerusalem Post
all 8 news articles

Good Gifts: Holiday Ideas For The Church-State Separationist On ...
Americans United, DC - Nov 28, 2008
(Not to toot my own horn too much, but Why the Religious Right Is Wrong About Separation of Church & State is still in print as well. ...

RI founder a maverick long before it was chic
Providence Journal, RI - Nov 28, 2008
Long before the First Amendment, Williams insisted on separation of church and state, making a radical argument for what he called “soul liberty. ...

Taking a Stand: Thanksgiving: A violation of church and state?
Green Valley News, AZ - Nov 26, 2008
By Chuck Norris Is the government’s observance of Thanksgiving a violation of the separation of church and state? This past week, a Newsweek/Washington Post ...

Prof. Stone, Prop. 8, and Church-State Separation [Richard Garnett]
National Review Online Blogs, NY - Nov 26, 2008
Stone and I (and Pope Benedict XVI) agree entirely regarding the importance of the principle of "separation of church and state", properly understood. ...

Women on the Web

State officials to investigate Mormon church's Prop. 8 campaign ...
San Jose Mercury News,  USA - Nov 26, 2008
... Catholic fraternal organization, have sparked a debate about whether the principle of the separation of church and state was eroded during the Prop. ..;b>...
It's an outrage! Mormon church donated $2864 to Yes on 8 effort Manteca Bulletin
Mormons bankrolled the overturning of gay marriage in California ... guardian.co.uk
all 292 news articles

CBS News

Another break in the wall: Honor separation between church, state
Daily Camera, CO - Nov 15, 2008
That's not a sermon against gay rights: It's an appeal for money and a campaign to enact a specific state law. The separation of church and state has served ...
Why the separation of church and state The Oregonian - OregonLive.com
Priest: Obama Voters Must Do Penance CBS News
Government and church shouldn't mix SCSU University Chronicle
Lifesite - New America Media
all 520 news articles

The Church and the State
BusinessWorld Online, Philippines - Nov 25, 2008
All too often, the separation of Church and State has been bandied about, with criticisms about the Church "interfering" in matters of State. ...

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Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)

Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)