Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Proposition 8, President Obama and equality

With the millions of dollars heaped upon passage of Proposition 8 in California it was hard to imagine it would be struck down.

Many people fought a good fight and are to be commended.

I’m sure many religious folks are very happy with the outcome.

But when it comes right down to it they preserved a word, because, as we all know, given the divorce rate in the USA, there is very little sanctity or morality left in marriage.

The greater victory last night was on a federal level with the election of Barack Obama as the next President of the United States.

President Obama will level this marriage “playing field” on the federal level and of course, as we all know, Federal Law supercedes state law.

Perhaps it won’t be called marriage but it will confer all the same Rights as marriage and after all, that is the goal. [videos]

Included in those Rights will be all state laws currently reserved for married couples and many, if not most, of the over 1000 Federal Rights which no state legislation could ever provide us. [click here to view 1000 rights pdf file]

We will have to wait a little longer, but the reward will be far more substantial.

In other words, we lost very little last night because what we gained far outweighs what we have lost.

America spoke very loudly last night and as you can see in the video link I provided above, President Obama has also spoken very loudly in support of our community.


Mrs. Chili said...

I want so much for this to be so. I will keep standing up and I will keep speaking out.

Tom said...

I realize I'm expecting a lot from a politician (ie: keeping his word).
My gut feeling tells me President Obama is not your ordinary politician.

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