Recent Religious Headlines [T12R-4]

"This is a lone demonstrator. The leaflet does not request contributions or break Capitol Police Regulations. The applicant has an application on file with Special Events. Any Questions should be directed to Special Events; US Capitol Police." Ask them if "Garcia is God!"?
Q. Monday is World AIDS Day. What does your faith or religious leaders say should be our attitude toward people with AIDS? What actions should we be taking, if any?
(FILM) The Israeli film industry continues to wow world audiences with its increasingly innovative and skillful productions.
Adele Stan: The conservative standard-bearer is laying the groundwork for another Republican revolution by preying on Americans' fears
Hitler himself -- who is the focus of American conservatives' fascistophobia -- was born and raised a Catholic, and never left the Catholic Church.
Prop. 8 and Obama's school choice
What do you think? Is Prince totally off base?
I was thrilled with the victory of Barack Obama on Nov. 4, but was deeply saddened by the banning of gay adoption in Arkansas and of same-sex marriage in Florida, Arizona and California.
After 52 percent of Californians passed Proposition 8, a law that took away the recently granted right for same sex couples to marry, Promise King decided to take a trip to the Golden State.


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