Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T24R-2)

USA Today

This is the week of lists -- serious to silly
USA Today - Dec 29, 2008
Backed by Americans United for Separation of Church and State, four local clergy and two minority faith groups challenged the government favoritism toward ...
Separation of Church, State Poll Dakota Voice
Role Of Religion In Presidential Campaign Heads 2008 'Top Ten ... Americans United
all 4 news articles

The Separation of Church and State - Reloaded
Town Hall, DC - Dec 29, 2008
by Christopher Merola In my last article with Townhall, I wrote about the misuse of the phrase, “separation of church and state. ...

Toward an Incarnational Culture
Catholic Culture - 14 hours ago
This Incarnational reality of the Church does not mean that there can be no separation of Church and State, for the State has its proper sphere in temporal ...


Merry Christmas - Let's Honor the Separation of Church and State
Huffington Post, NY - Dec 25, 2008
At a time when candidates are tripping over each other to discuss and affirm their 'personal faith,' is the separation of Church and State in America under ...
Merry Christmas Or Happy Holidays? Which Is it? Blogger News Network
Moore To The Point: It's Merry Christmas UC Daily News
all 407 news articles

Holidays exhibit separation of church and state
Chicago Tribune, United States - Dec 24, 2008
Many will go to church&lchurch. They will exchange presents and enjoy dinner together. While the two holidays occur at the same time of year, they are not exactly ...

Separation of church, state
The Desert Sun, CA - Dec 28, 2008
It is in defense of the separation of church and state and is a constitutional issue no different in kind from the defense of the Second Amendment by people ...


Minnesotans join suit to stop religious events at inauguration
Minnesota Independent, MN - 18 hours ago
By Andy Birkey 12/30/08 11:38 AM The state’s largest group dedicated to separation of church and state has joined a lawsuit to stop religious services at ...
Atheists to Challenge Prayer at Inauguration Washington Post
all 133 news articles

Separation of Church and State
Gather.com, MA - Dec 26, 2008
During a visit to Newport, RI, in 1790, a year before the Bill of Rights was ratified, President George Washington received a letter from Moses Sexias, ...

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Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)

Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)