Recent Religious Headlines [T12R-4]

Memories of the Mormon Church: A Response To Prop 8  
qazi COME! LET'S CHANGE THE WOR(L)D TOGETHER! 12/31/2008 8:40:35 AM
Fifties pop music icon Pat Boone began his December 6, 2008, WorldNet Daily article “ Hate is hate, in India or America” with the folksy jargon James Dobson made so popular: “ Pretty rotten thing that happened in Mumbai, huh?” But he wasn’t writing about the tragedy in India.
Memories of the Mormon Church: A Response To Prop 8  
Fifties pop music icon Pat Boone began his December 6, 2008, WorldNet Daily article “ Hate is hate, in India or America” with the folksy jargon James Dobson made so popular: “ Pretty rotten thing that happened in Mumbai, huh?” But he wasn’t writing about the tragedy in India.
Rainbow Wedding Network will produce Hartford's first ever Same Love, Same Rights GLBT Wedding and Family Expo on Sunday May 7, 2006. Speaking about GLBT issues and faith will be Bishop John Selders of Amistad Church. At 3 PM Bishop Selders will lead a "Prayer for Equality." [ - April 07, 2006]
From a series of street bashings in Seattle to the baseball bat murder of an Ecuadorean immigrant in New York, episodes of anti-gay violence punctuated a year now ending with police investigating the alleged gang rape of a lesbian near San Francisco.
In 2006, Rick Warren publicly lionized (literally) Peter Akinola three months after the Archbishop had endorsed legislation more draconian than comparable anti-gay statutes passed prior to World War II under the Third Reich.
(By LISA LEFF, Associated Press Writer) From a series of street bashings in Seattle to the baseball bat murder of an Ecuadorean immigrant in New York, episodes of anti-gay violence punctuated a year now ending with police investigating the alleged gang rape of a lesbian near San Francisco. Advocates said Tuesday they do not know whether the threats, beatings and murders reflect a true rise in ...


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