Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)

Mormon Times

YOUR VIEW: Instruction does not violate church-state split
South Coast Today, MA - 8 hours ago
The first is her belief that the church is violating the separation of church and state when it calls on its members to have an impact on social issues. ...
Is Nancy Pelosi The Devil? Society and Religion
all 46 news articles

The Church and State Equation in Proposition 8
Berkeley Daily Planet, CA - Jan 28, 2009
8ers have argued that the proposition is a violation of the separation of church and state. That there is a separation of church and state is a comfortable ...

ABC News

Haggard to King: I'm guilty enough
CNN - 4 hours ago
Separation and lack of communication never heals broken relationships. And so I appreciate what he's saying there. And I want people to heal. ...
Video: New Allegations Against Ex-Church Leader Haggard AssociatedPress
It's Not TV; it's Ted TV Beliefnet.com
all 1,368 news articles

The Plain Dealer - cleveland.com

Clergy at local church refuse to sign state marriage licenses in ...
The Plain Dealer - cleveland.com, OH - 54 minutes ago
"There seems to be a growing interest in this to make clear the separation of church and state and to address the issue of equality," he said. ...

Scrudato: Religion less free than in the recent past
Yale Daily News, CT - 7 hours ago
In fact, the details of the “separation of church and state” were no more than private personal opinions until they were elevated to legal canon in the ...

Bill pushed by Corsicana Episcopal congregation would alter law on ...
Dallas Morning News, TX - 10 hours ago
Monk acknowledged that the canons of the Episcopal Church state that local church properties are held in trust for the denomination and its dioceses, ...

USA Today

Unbelievers' ashes may be unwelcome in Berkeley
USA Today - 22 hours ago
Never underestimate the reach of Americans United for Separation of Church and State. It's is now going beyond the grave to addressing what it calls a ...

Dick's yoke
Jamaica Gleaner, Jamaica - 6 hours ago
A pastor who has resigned from his pastoral duties could in no way be a threat to any concept of a separation of Church and State. ...
Media outlets reported today that President Barack Obama will name Joshua DuBois, a Pentecostal minister who did religious outreach during the campaign, to head a revamped White House office of “faith-based” initiatives. The Rev. Barry W. Lynn, executive director of Americans United for...
The U.S. Senate should not go along with a House plan that provides $100 million in “faith-based” funding as part of the federal economic recovery package, according to Americans United for Separation of Church and State. HR 1, the measure approved by the House yesterday, includes a...
A proposed Berkeley, Calif., ordinance that would only allow religious organizations to inter cremated ashes, while deny the same right to nonreligious organizations, violates the Constitution, according to Americans United for Separation of Church and State. Current Berkeley law prohibits...

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Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)

Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)