From both sides (T12R-5)

Boston Globe

civil unions, CA
Because of that possibility, anti-LGBT religious leaders are ratcheting up their rhetoric. Hawaii Catholic Bishop Larry Silva wrote that the civil unions legislation would be a "travesty," while conservative religious leader Nathan Paikai told the ...
Thousands Rally Against Civil Unions in Hawaii Towleroad
all 261 news articles

Steve Rothaus, FL
The research showed deep support for the inclusion of LGBT Jews in Jewish communities. Clergy, experts on Jewish communities and synagogue transformation, along with Christian leaders experienced in welcoming congregations programs, converged at The ...

Navigating Religion as A Lesbian Mom
Lez Get Real, District of Columbia
Many religions are anti-gay and discourage homosexuality, considering homosexuals to be what Hindu society refers to as pariah or outcasts. There are some Christian denominations and other religions that are accepting of members of the LGBT community. ...


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