From both sides (T12R-5)

Grand Forks Herald

Meet in the Middle March Makes Its Way Through the Valley
KMPH Fox 26, CA
"30 years after Harvey Milk dave this life for the LGBT movement, I am still less than a heterosexual when it comes to my civil rights," said Black, who wrote the screenplay for "Milk". He told those in attendance to take a different approach if, ...
Meet me in the Middle for Marriage Equality Daily Kos
all 703 news articles

How Do I Tell My Mom...?
That some do support gay rights and are accepting and proud of their LGBT children. That their are many Christian parents who accept their LGBT children. I guess apart from talking to her about this and trying ting to make her understand your point of view ...

Windy City Times

Views: Idol, marriage and symbolism
Windy City Times, IL
Hopefully, LGBT youth will not view this as a setback, but as a success, to have someone get 49 million votes despite the sometimes-subtle homophobia of the judges and the media, and despite a Christian push for votes to Kris. ...

A gay Muslim in EastEnders? Big deal, UK
Exploring sexuality outside marriage is an intensely personal experience and any portrayal in a soap opera of a Muslim embarking on a homosexual affair is likely to attract accusations of opportunism, particularly with Muslims already feeling so ...

Calif. Supreme Court Upholds Prop 8, Marriage
Dakota Voice, SD
The voters passed Proposition 8 by a healthy margin, but homosexual activists again sued to overturn nature and the will of the people. But today the California Supreme Court voted 6-1 to uphold the people's decision. Unfortunately, as suspected ...
Video: Gay Groups Call Federal Marriage Suit Premature The Associated Press
California's Excessive Liberty Still Shines As Marriage Endures Nolan Chart LLC
14 Amendment: RIP OpEdNews
AlterNet - LA Youth
all 4,120 news articles

Letters: Gay marriage: Why can't we disagree without all-out war?
OCRegister, CA
There seems to be a lot of arguing these days about the rights of homosexuals to marry. One opinion is whether you believe in b>religion or evolution, it takes one male and one female to create life. Not two males or two females. I have no discrimination ...


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